Olfactory meditation (Frankincese)
29th November 2023 – 16.30-18.00
At Soulharmony & Soulgarden
Stora Nygatan 38, Malmö, Sweden
Welcome to the unique experience of olfactory meditation
Olfactory meditation is guided meditation based around a high-quality and high-vibration essential oil. It is a magical experience which allows us, via the powerful messages of the aromatic plant, to connect with our whole self. A link between our body, heart and soul.
Being in a meditative state and smelling the fragrance of an oil, we can access the vibration and information from the plant without any mental blocks. It is a very individual journey, depending on how you currently are. We get to feel what we need to let go or where to head for example. We get a new sense of balance and energy.
Essential oil
We will focus on a different essential oil every time and this week will be Frankincense which is one of the seven sacred oils. A powerful plant for meditation, it is a symbol of unity and helps to connect the body and spirit.
What to expect:
We will go through the medicinal and energetic property of the plant.
I will carry out a 20-30 min guided meditation. Under the meditation you will have a sample of the essential oil and will smell and breath in the essences of the plant. The meditation can be done sitting or laying down.
Finally there will be some time for you to write down what came through you under the meditation and the possibility to share and discuss with the group. You are welcome to bring pen and paper to write down your thoughts afterwards.
You do not need any previous experience, just come with an open mind and the will to explore a new way to meditate and connect to yourself.
Price and inscription:
300:- per person.
Email: linda@soulharmony.se to register
Face massage with Gua Sha & DIY serum
Coming early 2024
Face massage with Gua Sha is a great way to give your face a natural glow and face lift.
More information coming soon.
If you are interested, please leave your details below: